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Working Process of Carbonated Beverage Filling Machine

2024-09-21 08:49:08
Working Process of Carbonated Beverage Filling Machine
Bottle preparation
Cleaning and disinfection: Before filling, bottles will be cleaned and disinfected to ensure there are no additional substances or contaminants remaining inside. In most of the cases, the new generation production lines employ the use of automated cleaning machines.
Bottle detection: Some filling machines are equipped with an automatic detection mechanism that is able to verify that the bottle is in one piece and that it is not broken or has cracks.
Bottle feeding
Automatic bottle loading: Bottles enter the working area of the filling machine through a conveyor belt. Most of the time this operation is per formed automatically to keep the filling operation ongoing and efficient.
Pre-charging of carbon dioxide gas Before actually filling the beverage, bottles will be pre-charged with a pre-defined amount of carbon dioxide, the purpose of which is to maintain the carbonation degree of the beverage and at the same time to avoid excessive foam generation in the course of filling.
Beverage filling
Isobaric filling: This is the most crucial step of carbonated beverage filling. Isobaric filling enhances the cavity of a bottle. During beverage filling, this beverage filling machine fills the beverage into the bottle slowly by normalizing the pressure inside the bottle cavity to the pressure in the liquid tank which is isobaric to prevent the contamination of excessive foam or excess gas loss.
Speed up filling process: To guarantee that the filling will be fast and stable at all times the filling machine will vary the filling speed depending on the size and type of the bottles.
Once this is done, the bottler has to cap the bottle immediately so that the carbon dioxide that is trapped in the bottle will not escape. The capping system is of the automatic type and is capable of performing this task without any errors.
Detection and quality inspection
Liquid level detection: Automatic detection equipment will check the UI in the bottle and the beverage in there against the UI volume specification in order to maintain filling amount of each bottle.
Seal detection: It shall be detected whether the bottle cap has been fastened to the position or not in order to keep the product without air.
Labelling and packaging
After the filling and capping process is done, the bottle will move through to an automatic labelling machine for label application and date stamping.
Packaging: Where the bottles are in bundles will invariably be packaged using automated packaging machinery to cartons in pre-dispatched condition.
Conveying and storage
The filled and bottled products are placed on a conveyer to move them to the packaging and storage area.

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